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November 2022

Astronomy and Astrophysics


The size of the Sun 

M. A. Fardin, and M. Hautefeuille

American Journal of Physics 90, 914 (2022)

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A Bose horn antenna radio telescope (BHARAT) design for 21 cm hydrogen line experiments for radio astronomy teaching 

Ashish A. Mhaske, Joydeep Bagchi, Bhal Chandra Joshi, Joe Jacob, and Paul K. T.

American Journal of Physics 90, 948 (2022)

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Big bang nucleosystheisis constraints on extra component solutions to the hubble tension 

Osamu Seto, and Yo Toda

AIP Conference Proceedings 2611, 020006 (2022)

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Alternative analytic method for computing mean observation time in space-telescopes with spin-precession attitude motion 

Juan Bermejo-Ballesteros, Javier Cubas, Francisco Casas, and Enrique Martínez-González

AIP Conference Proceedings 2611, 050007 (2022)

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New guidance and control techniques for lunar ascent and orbit injection 

Mauro Pontani

AIP Conference Proceedings 2611, 050009 (2022)

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The satellite translatory – rotary planar motion: Restricted and unrestricted cases 

Alexander Burov, Ivan Kosenko, and Vasily Nikonov

AIP Conference Proceedings 2611, 100003 (2022)

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Simplified two-dimensional model for global atmospheric dynamics 

Martín Jacques-Coper, Valentina Ortiz-Guzmán, and Jorge Zanelli

Physics of Fluids 34, 116610 (2022)

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BULLKID: Monolithic array of particle absorbers sensed by kinetic inductance detectors 

A. Cruciani, L. Bandiera, M. Calvo, N. Casali, I. Colantoni, G. Del Castello, M. del Gallo Roccagiovine, D. Delicato, M. Giammei, V. Guidi, J. Goupy, V. Pettinacci, G. Pettinari, M. Romagnoni, M. Tamisari, A. Mazzolari, A. Monfardini, and M. Vignati

Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 213504 (2022)

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