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September 2022


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Preface: The 1st International Conference of Mathematics Education, Learning and Application 2021 

Dian Kurniati, Rafiantika Megahnia Prihandini, and Ridho Alfarisi

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 010001 (2022)

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Managing Google Maps for linguistic landscaping of pollution and health signage 

Kamal Yusuf

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 020001 (2022)

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Modeling the number of early detection of cervical cancer in Lampung province using the generalized linear model 

Septian Wulandari

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 020001 (2022)

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Transformation geometry mathematic connection analysis based on Etnomatics 


AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 020003 (2022)

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Forming a new legal order for online-offline student learning in the Covid-19 pandemic 

Rini Fidiyani

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 020004 (2022)

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Higher education efforts in curbing and preventing the spread of Covid-19: An evidence from Indonesia 

Ikhfan Haris, Yuniarti Koniyo, and Herlina Jusuf

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 020006 (2022)

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The impact of virtual meetings in learning on eye fatigue during the Covid-19 pandemic 

Zul Fikar Ahmad, Siti Surya Indah Nurdin, Ekawaty Prasetya, and Yasir Mokodompis

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 020010 (2022)

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Structure and micro-hardness of titanium alloy Ti10Mo8Nb6Zr after high pressure torsion 

Dmitry Gunderov, Anna Churakova, Svetlana Kiseleva, Sophia Gunderova, Joao Pedro, and Ana Paula Rosifini Alves Claro

AIP Conference Proceedings 2533, 020013 (2022)

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Hot deformation behavior of a re-containing nickel-based superalloy with a fine-grained structure 

R. V. Shakhov, R. I. Zainullin, A. A. Ganeev, Sh. Kh. Mukhtarov, and V. M. Imayev

AIP Conference Proceedings 2533, 020053 (2022)

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Teachers’ communication in mathematics learning based on zone of promote action 

Siti Faizah, Toto Nusantara, Sudirman, Rustanto Rahardi, Susiswo, Subanji, and Ria Kamilah Agustina

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030001 (2022)

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Perceptions of pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers on the mathematical link between matrices and vectors 

Marfuah Marfuah, Didi Suryadi, Turmudi Turmudi, Arif Muchyidin, and Gusni Satriawati

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030002 (2022)

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Protection of traditional knowledge in the advance of technological era of intellectual property rights in Indonesia 

Ulil Afwa, and Agus Mardianto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030002 (2022)

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Analysis of student representation ability in solving HOTS questions review from self efficacy 

Wasilatul Murtafi'ah, Revy Crismona Delia, and Edy Suprapto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030003 (2022)

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E-Relawan: Increasing volunteer interest and performance through the use of e-volunteer application technology in humanitarian missions in disaster conditions in Bali Province 

I Wayan Budha Yasa, Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, and Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030003 (2022)

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How are students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in mathematical problem solving viewed from the ability to understand mathematical concepts? 

Ika Putri Lenawati, Wasilatul Murtafiah, and Sanusi

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030004 (2022)

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Analysis of students’ understanding of mathematical concepts in the Faraid calculation using modulo arithmetic theory   

Mohammad Tohir, Muzayyanatun Munawwarah, Saiful, Abd. Muqit, Khoirul Anwar, Kandiri, and Asmuki

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030005 (2022)

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The implementation of the independent learning policy in arabic learning in the digital era 

Muhibbatul Laili, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin, and M. Ali

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030005 (2022)

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Model for the formation of students’ interest in STEM through geometry learning based on visual spatial abilities using augmented reality technology 

Nurul Anis Syuhada Adnan, Sharifah Osman, Jeya Amantha Kumar, Hanifah Jambari, and Corrienna Abdul Talib

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030006 (2022)

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Teacher's perception of culture-based mathematics learning 

Andi Saparuddin Nur, Kartono, Zaenuri, and Rochmad

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030007 (2022)

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Student's open-mindedness behavior in solving math-based problem with contradictory information and problem with no specified universal set 

Arik Hariati, Didik Sugeng Pambudi, Dian Kurniati, Dimas Danar Septiadi, and Hari Gantiyani

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030008 (2022)

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Metacognitive myopia: The main obstacles in mathematics online learning 

Surya Sari Faradiba, Alifiani, and Siti Nurul Hasana

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030009 (2022)

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Digital transformation of youth movement for counter radicalism 

Ali Masyhar, Muhammad Azil Maskur, Sri Redjeki Prasetyowati, Aldita Evan Prihama, Roy Priyono, and Ahmad Alif

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030010 (2022)

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Students' mathematic connection ability in solving mathematics problems two-variable linear equations system based on gender 

Misbahul Munir, Hobri, and Dian Kurniati

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030011 (2022)

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The process of mental structure and mechanism of middle school students in solving jumping task problems on set materials 

Dian Atika Sofie, Hobri, M. Faterkurohman, Arik Hariati, and Hari Gantiyani

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030012 (2022)

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The utilization of digital technology for rehabilitation of drug users by SADAR application: A creative breakthrough for the victims of drugs abuse in Buleleng Regency 

Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini, Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, and I. Wayan Budha Yasa

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030012 (2022)

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The reconstruction of improper fraction concept through analogy problems in students of prospective elementary school teacher 

Musrikah, Dewi Asmarani, Cholis Sa'dijah, Swasono Rahadjo, and Subanji

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030013 (2022)

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Trends and impacts of online learning in the face of COVID-19 pandemic at Gorontalo State University 

Salahudin Olii, and Rochmad M. Thohir Yassin

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030013 (2022)

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Assessing students’ mathematics-related beliefs system in the Indonesian context 

Achmad Hidayatullah, and Csaba Csikos

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030014 (2022)

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The ability to solve problem in arithmetic sequence based on the ideal problem solving in terms of the Keirsey temperament sorter and category of ability 

Saddam Hussen, Lioni Anka Monalisa, Ermita Rizki Albirri, Arif Fatahillah, and Nur Indah Sofia

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030015 (2022)

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Students' critical thinking ability during learning of square equations based on lesson study   

Fifi Thoyibah, Rasidi, Haris Adi Winata, Tulus Wijayanto, Syaiful Bahri, and Dian Kurniati

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030016 (2022)

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Developing assessment book for mathematics learning   

Masriyah, Endah Budi Rahaju, Abdul Haris Rosyidi, Dayat Hidayat, and Umi Hanifah

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030017 (2022)

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University doesn’t die yet: A perspective from Gorontalo State University (UNG) towards the social welfare in Gorontalo 

Eduart Wolok, Funco Tanipu, and Tarmizi Abbas

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030018 (2022)

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Student's critical thinking ability in solving AKM numeration problems with three different cognitive levels 

Hari Gantiyani, Hobri, Antonius Cahya P., Dian Atika S., and Arik Hariati

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030019 (2022)

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Mathematics teacher's ability in inclusion school made learning media with Canva application 

Ika Kurniasari, Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Rini Setianingsih, and JanetTrineke Manoy

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030020 (2022)

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Child food security policy: The problems and challenges in the globalization era during Covid-19 outbreak 

Rodiyah Rodiyah, Ridwan Arifin, Ratih Damayanti, Waspiah Waspiah, Indah Sri Utari, and Siti Hafsyah Idris

AIP Conference Proceedings 2573, 030021 (2022)

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The effect of the infusion learning approach on the students’ truth-seeking behavior on Cartesian coordinates 

Muhammad Syarif Hidayat, Dian Kurniati, Sharifah Osman, and Dinawati Trapsilasiwi

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030021 (2022)

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Cognitive experience of junior high school students in numerical problem solving on minimum competency assesment based on cognitive style 

Sutama, Sabar Narimo, Harsono, Diana Purwita Sari, and Mazlini Adnan

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030022 (2022)

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Development of Batik Daun Singkong Bondowoso motifs based on fractals as student worksheets   

Imylia Kirana Candra Dewi, Erfan Yudianto, and Susanto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030023 (2022)

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Design development of Batik Tulis Daun Singkong Bondowoso motifs with combination of fractal objects as material for student worksheets with ethnomathematical-based 

Pandhu Dinar Ratu Becik, Erfan Yudianto, Reza Ambarwati, and Lela Nur Safrida

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030024 (2022)

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Development of student's worksheet based on realistic mathematics education (RME) approach to know students’ mathematical problem solving abilities 

Sinta Priciliya, Sunardi, Erfan Yudianto, and Susanto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030025 (2022)

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Mathematics teachers’ problems in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic 

Imam Sujadi, Budiyono, Ira Kurniawati, Arum Nur Wulandari, Riki Andriatna, and Hanifa Alifia Puteri

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030026 (2022)

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Profile of metacognition experience of mathematics education students in understanding the concept of differential calculus review gender differences 

La Misu, La Masi, and Arviaty

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030027 (2022)

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The development of a mobile phone application based on RME model for probability of union of two events 

Ervin Azhar, Khoerul Umam, and Edy Wihardjo

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030028 (2022)

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Ethnomathematics: Geometry exploration in Pura’s architecture of Taman Nasional Alas Purwo 

Lela Nur Safrida, Susanto, Toto Bara Setiawan, Erfan Yudianto, Reza Ambarwati, and Brigita Wanda Pangestika

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030029 (2022)

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The implementation of Edmodo-based interactive learning media in mathematics subject 

Dhanar Dwi Hary Jatmiko, and Hobri

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030030 (2022)

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Students' mathematical literacy ability in solving story problems 

Muftihatul Azizah, Sunardi, and Erfan Yudianto

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030031 (2022)

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Geometric reasoning of analysis level students in classifying quadrilateral   

Arum Hikmahtul Afifah, Susanto, and Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030032 (2022)

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A qualitative content analysis: To what extent do mathematical literacy test involve mathematical process activities? 

Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari, Suwarno, and Wasilatul Murtafi'ah

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030033 (2022)

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Spatial task: How are the ability and ways of reasoning of middle school students? 

Harina Fitriyani, and Yaya S. Kusumah

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030034 (2022)

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Realistic mathematics education in developing pre-service elementary teachers’ mathematical literacy: A didactical design on rational number 

Rita Novita, Tatang Herman, Didi Suryadi, and Dadan Dasari

AIP Conference Proceedings 2633, 030035 (2022)

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