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Volume 60, Issue 5 (article(s) published - 01 May 2022)

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Call for papers on environment, sustainability, and climate change 

Phys. Teach. 60, 323 (2022)

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Note on acrobat energies 

Joshua Grossman

Phys. Teach. 60, 324 (2022)

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Nonintuitive flows through holes 

Said Shakerin

Phys. Teach. 60, 325 (2022)

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Answer to May 2022 Figuring Physics Question 

Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 60, A326 (2022)

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Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 60, 326 (2022)

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Vertical Launch of a Grappling Hook     

Carl E. Mungan, and Trevor C. Lipscombe

Phys. Teach. 60, 327 (2022)

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Promoting Problem Solving Through Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials 

Kathleen Koenig, Alexandru Maries, Robert Teese, and Michelle Chabot

Phys. Teach. 60, 331 (2022)

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It’s Good to Be Popular in High School: A Look at Disparities in STEM AP Offerings in Northern California Public High Schools 

David Marasco, and Bree Barnett Dreyfuss

Phys. Teach. 60, 335 (2022)

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Visualizing Double-Slit Interference on a Shoestring 

Beth Parks, and Hans Benze

Phys. Teach. 60, 338 (2022)

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Putting Potential at the Core of Teaching Electric Circuits 

Jan-Philipp Burde, Thomas Sean Weatherby, and Thomas Wilhelm

Phys. Teach. 60, 340 (2022)

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A Practical Approach to Physics for Non-Scientists 

Gordon Ramsey

Phys. Teach. 60, 344 (2022)

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Reflection from a Potential Well and from a Potential Barrier 

Mark Denny

Phys. Teach. 60, 348 (2022)

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Acceleration Measurement Using Arduino and a Smartphone for the Motion of Objects on an Inclined Plane 

Huai-Yi Chen, Hwa-Ming Nieh, and Shih-Wei Ko

Phys. Teach. 60, 351 (2022)

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Linear Algebra Notation in Introductory Physics? 

Ethan A.-N. Deneault

Phys. Teach. 60, 355 (2022)

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A Fresh Look at the Young-Laplace Equation and Its Many Applications in Hydrostatics 

Fred Behroozi

Phys. Teach. 60, 358 (2022)

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Building an Astrophysics/Astrochemistry Laboratory fromScratch 

Douglas W. White

Phys. Teach. 60, 362 (2022)

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The Shape of Earth: An Early Test of Newtonian Physics 

George Greenstein

Phys. Teach. 60, 365 (2022)

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An Intuitive Approach to Earth’s Centrifugal Bulge 

George Greenstein

Phys. Teach. 60, 369 (2022)

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Introductory Physics Labs: A Tale of Two Transformations   

Steven Frederick Wolf, and Mark W. Sprague

Phys. Teach. 60, 372 (2022)

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The Thomson Jumping Ring Experiment and Ideal Transformer 

Chiu-king Ng

Phys. Teach. 60, 376 (2022)

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Inexpensive Single and Double Slits Using a Fine-Toothed Comb 

Alan DeWeerd

Phys. Teach. 60, 380 (2022)

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Poisson Distribution: Derivation and a Computer Simulation 

J. P. Sharpe

Phys. Teach. 60, 382 (2022)

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Figuring Physics April 2022 Answer 

Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 60, 384 (2022)

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A Gauss’s Law Computer Simulation in GlowScript 

Anthony Danese

Phys. Teach. 60, 385 (2022)

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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on faculty members’ work-life balance 

Susan C. White

Phys. Teach. 60, 388 (2022)

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From B or not from B 

Boris Korsunsky

Phys. Teach. 60, 389 (2022)

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Question 1: Space telescope; Question 2: JWST2 

Larry Weinstein

Phys. Teach. 60, 390 (2022)

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Solutions for Fermi Questions, May 2022 

Larry Weinstein

Phys. Teach. 60, A390 (2022)

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Howling winds and swinging sticks: An acoustical analysis 

Lutz Kasper, and Patrik Vogt

Phys. Teach. 60, 392 (2022)

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Electronic telescopes and their use in astronomy education 

Kendra Sibbernsen

Phys. Teach. 60, 394 (2022)

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Best-fit lines and the AP Physics test 

James Lincoln

Phys. Teach. 60, 396 (2022)

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The game of grades and the hidden curriculum 

Stephanie S. Erickson

Phys. Teach. 60, 398 (2022)

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“Megaprojects” YouTube Video Channel with Simon Whistler 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 60, 400 (2022)

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Chicken-Slapping Summer Silliness Redux 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 60, 400 (2022)

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Physics: The First Science by S. Brahmia and P. Lindenfeld Now Freely Available Online 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 60, 400 (2022)

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Putin’s Ukrainian War Threatens and Accelerates End of Lifecycle Planning for the International Space Station 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 60, 400 (2022)

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Summer Professional Development for Physics Teachers 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 60, 400 (2022)

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