In this issue: February 2023
John Essick, Adam Fritsch, Claire A. Marrache-Kikuchi, Beth Parks, B. Cameron Reed, Todd Springer, and Donald Salisbury American Journal of Physics 91, 85 (2023) Read the article → |
“A call to action”: Schrödinger's representation of quantum mechanics via Hamilton's principle
Michele Marrocco American Journal of Physics 91, 110 (2023) Read the article → |
Contemplating Electromagnetic Phenomena in Lived Experience Through Somatic Meditation
Zosia Krusberg, Elam Coalson, and Andrew Feldman The Physics Teacher 61, 113 (2023) Read the article → |
Still learning about space dimensionality: From the description of hydrogen atom by a generalized wave equation for dimensions D 3
Francisco Caruso, Vitor Oguri, and Felipe Silveira American Journal of Physics 91, 153 (2023) Read the article → |
Physics and ableism: One disabled physicist’s perspective
Amy D. Robertson The Physics Teacher 61, 156 (2023) Read the article → |
Cool Spinning Machines: Hurling Rockets to Orbit, Going over the Top on a Swing
Dan MacIsaac The Physics Teacher 61, 160 (2023) Read the article → |
Engineering in Classroom STEM: “Hour of Engineering” and “Engineering Sport”
Dan MacIsaac The Physics Teacher 61, 160 (2023) Read the article → |
Preface: Flexibility in Research and Innovation on Science, Mathematics, Environment, and Education for Sustainable Development
Nurma Yunita Indriyanti, and Meida Wulan Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 010001 (2023) Read the article → |
The effectiveness of human nervous system comic as an alternative for online learning during Covid-19
Insar Damopolii, Jan H. Nunaki, Wiranto Wiranto, and Fridolin F. Paiki AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020001 (2023) Read the article → |
Development of human digestive system e-module to improve students’ learning outcomes during pandemic
Ervin Setyantoko, Jan Hendriek Nunaki, Jeni Jeni, and Insar Damopolii AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020002 (2023) Read the article → |
The exploration of environmental care attitude through photovoice on elementary and junior high school student
Ni Wayan Ekayanti, and Gusti Ayu Dewi Setiawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020003 (2023) Read the article → |
Earth hour popularity among biology education students UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Astri Yuliawati, Mar'atus Sholikha, and Milla Listiawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020004 (2023) Read the article → |
Implementation of socio-scientific issues-based learning in biology to improve scientific literacy of high school students
Yuni Wibowo, Agung W. Subiantoro, Rio C. Handziko, and Atik Kurniawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020005 (2023) Read the article → |
Comparison of TOSLS-B instrument analysis result using Iteman and Rasch model
Risky Agustina Maria Sibarani, Afandi, Andi Besse Tenriawaru, and Eka Bilanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020006 (2023) Read the article → |
Analysis of argumentation skills in biology learning
Anggi Dwi Pratiwi, Afandi, Eko Sri Wahyuni, and Refka Darmayanthi Putri Mahisa AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020007 (2023) Read the article → |
Effect of biofertilizers application on growth and production of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme)
D. W. Widjajanto, Sumarsono, and E. D. Purbajanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2586, 020007 (2023) Read the article → |
Developing complex multiple-choice test to empower students higher order thinking skill about excression system
Papin Citra Resti Rustanto, Suciati, and Baskoro Adi Prayitno AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020008 (2023) Read the article → |
The understanding of metacognitive skills among biology teachers and lectures in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Astuti Muh. Amin AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020009 (2023) Read the article → |
Intervention of gaming learning on immune system: A prerequisites analysis
Diah Ayu Fatmawati, Murni Ramli, and Baskoro Adi Prayitno AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020010 (2023) Read the article → |
Do we need critical thinking progression?
Ayu Rahma Ulufa Nuri, Sajidan, and Murni Ramli AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020011 (2023) Read the article → |
The changes of biology learning activities in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anwari Adi Nugroho, Yokhebed, Luvia Ranggi Nastiti, and Suranto AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020012 (2023) Read the article → |
Card game “RECAME” to improve scientific literacy
Zakia Yolanda, Murni Ramli, and Dewi Puspita Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020013 (2023) Read the article → |
Analysis of potential learning models to determine facts and concepts: Literature review
Vivin Harlupi, and Bambang Subali AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020014 (2023) Read the article → |
Analysis of the needs of android-based Mollusca teaching materials for grade tenth
Evi Margiyanti, and Paidi AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020015 (2023) Read the article → |
Analysis of 2013 curriculum implementation on biology learning design in potential senior high school Yogyakarta
Yuaning Tyas Ayu Murti, and Bambang Subali AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020016 (2023) Read the article → |
The diversity of Bacillus resistant iron (Fe) isolated from ITS eco urban farming using phenetic numerical taxonomy approach
Sabila Fatimah, and Enny Zulaika AIP Conference Proceedings 2634, 020016 (2023) Read the article → |
Religious values in biology learning: A need analysis of an Islamic-integrated reference book of medicinal plants typical of Central Kalimantan
Nanik Lestariningsih, Ayatusa'adah, and Sondra Swestyani AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020017 (2023) Read the article → |
Analysis of potential development of preserved media with bioplastic techniques as a biology learning media in Indonesia
Iin Musannadah, Bernadetta Octavia, and Eka Sulistiyowati AIP Conference Proceedings 2540, 020018 (2023) Read the article → |
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